I finished my work at the packhouse last friday, and since sam's packhouse isn't closed yet, I started working there today. I would have started yesterday (monday), but the guys who normally drove decided to quit that job for another, and we didn't know how we were supposed to get to work. Luckily there's another guy, a german dude named Alex, who has a car and has also decided to work there. The packhouse is a much smaller company than my previous one, but the people are so much nicer and really fun to talk to.
The thing that surprised me most is how popular sam is! Seriously. At my old packhouse, people just kept to their own groups, and half the repackers were temporary workers like me. But at this new one, most everyone works there throughout the year, and so they know each other really well. They all took an interest in sam, who - unlike the guys who switched jobs - spent time talking to them. The german and finnish guys from before kept to themselves, so the regular workers didn't even notice when they didn't turn up on monday. But we walked in tuesday, and everyone was like "sam, where have you been?" When I was working, the group I was with would bring up questions about sam or refer to sam when talking to me. Pretty amusing, haha.
I've been trying to upload pictures this past week, but the restrictions on these computers are getting really frustrating. So you'd better be glad I took the energy and time (precious internet time) to do this. I'm gonna see if the staff can lift some of these restrictions so that I can upload better, but I doubt that'll happen. Some of these pictures you might find boring, but I'm putting them there to accompany my many little thoughts.
1. This crater you see is the top of the dormant volcano called Mt. Eden in Auckland. It's huge! In the second picture, you'll see a large hill/mound of grass and trees. It's one of the many dormant volcanoes that New Zealand is built on top of.
2. Just a few flower/plant pictures. I have no idea if these exist in the US, but I keep an eye out for plants now just because I know that there will be some plants exclusively kiwi (aka of New Zealand). The first one is just a really pretty red flower I found walking along a road. The second is really interesting: it grows all over on its tree, and it looks like a bright pink pipe-cleaner. The third is just some pretty flower bunches I found on a bush. I love the blue/green mix.
3. I'm guessing this is why Auckland is called the "City of Sails." There were so many!
4. In KeriKeri we stayed at a hostel that was right along a creek. Very cool.
5. Here's Lucky, the bunkhouse cat, dozing in one of her favorite spots. I've yet to get a picture of UC.
6. A group picture from Halloween Night (Sam went to bed early because he had work the next day).
7. I found footprints indented onto a concrete sidewalk while walking to the grocery store. My theory as to how it got there is that some kid was walking barefoot (which is actually really normal in NZ), and accidentally stepped on wet concrete. The footprints are very small, looks like it'd be from a 5-year-old.
8. My fingers, all cracked and peeling, along with my blister - from handling green kiwis for 8 hours a day.
9. James in his huge jungle gym (a tree with pipes built around it). James and Anna. James jumping onto his trampoline. He really wanted me to take his picture, as you can see. Also, you should note that he has cows for neighbors, literally, haha.
10. Pigs at the dairy farm down the hill - fyi, they smelled really bad. The farm only had two, and I asked Anna what they were for. With complete bluntness, she said, "We eat them for holidays like Christmas dinner." What makes it even more interesting is that she talks to them as though they are pets.
11. Cows being milked. Tim tells me that the price you can get for their milk is about the same as petrol. Not bad, huh. And Anna clearly knows a lot about cows and dairy farming, having no problem informing me of the processes of running such a farm and the types of different cows.
12. The O'Dea's (Tim's family) own their own avocado orchard. These green ones aren't ripe yet, but it was pretty cool to go and pick my own avos.
13. Tim getting me oranges fresh off the trees. They're really good. The second picture: the orange season is ending, and so all the oranges are very ripe and easily fall off the tree. Look how many are lined up on the ground! Unfortunately, all those will go to waste, because you don't know how long they've been lying there in the sun.
14. Me waiting to go to work at 7:45 in the morning. It's chilly in the mornings, and I knew I'd be working inside a coolstore, so that's why I'm all bundled up.
15. The repacking station I worked at before (no, I do not work alone). Then me, in my work outfit. I don't know if I mentioned it before, but I had to wear an apron and a hairnet (I also wore that hat, sweater, and jacket everyday). And please excuse the cheesy grin.
16. It's normal for people to own some sheep. And they can bleat really loud.
17. A picture of a meadow for Jean. The grass/flowers/plants reached up to my hips!
18. My backpacker is on No.1 Road. And the second picture shows you what my backpacker actually looks like. If you want to see more, I believe arthur made a promotional video that shows the inside. Look on youtube under the same person who posted the halloween video. Sam shows up on the video too (although the video itself is kinda boring...).
19. There was a gorgeous sunset the other day from our view up at the top of the hill.
20. Lastly, a picture of Sam. His hair's grown long, and he wears a bandanna everyday now. He's doing some logic puzzle problems in a book I bought the other day.
A couple of other notes:
The weather's been getting really hot. I think the temperature broke 90 degrees today! How am I supposed to get excited for Christmas with all this hot weather??
I kinda poured out about my struggles on my previous blog, and I was hoping people would respond to that, give me their thoughts, opinions and advice. But I guess most wouldn't know how to since few did? But thanks to those who did for putting in their thoughts.
Ooh, and before I forget, a HUGE muchos gracias, merci beaucoup, danke schoen, ko-mahps, and thank you to mike for sending me the USB card reader! Geej, you'd better say thanks too, haha =]
you are very welcome. those pictures are amazing! seeing all those farm animals reminds me of the movie "Babe." crazy sheep...
oooh...i'm first to comment =]
niiiice, pictures =). I saw a show on MTV about a girl going to New Zealand and i thought about you and Sam.
Hope you're having fun out there.
those kiwis....did not know that the could cut up your fingers that bad lol and i liked your cheesy grin =) lol i'm glad you finally put pics up and tell sam he should grow his hair out and get corn rows teehheeee
wow thanks for all the great pictures of flowers and landscape... NOT! I demand more pictures of you and sam!
lois, i liked the piccies : ). and man... your fingers look like its painful work! ow! but i loved the piccie of you in your uniform! lol, that was sooo cute : ) makes me miss my mlois. mwell, mas malways, mboaz mis mrude! mgosh!
But seriously. What's your address? I'm sending you and sam a jar of kimchee for Xmas.
That is sick. You need some lotion..badly.
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